I think I will speak on behalf of the majority of female photographers because this post is gonna be one big massive huge THANK YOU to our partners, husbands and boyfriends. Thank you for supporting us in following our passion that is photography. Thank you for giving us constructive criticism when we get excited about all the things photoshop can do to our photos and start overediting and overthinking. Thank you for listening to something like that: "omg, omg, omg... I've just got another booking and her dress is amazing, and their venue - agh... let me show you... brilliant isin't it?! And her shoes, and her flowers and she is amazing and everything is amazing! Did I tell you half an hour ago how amazing this wedding is going to be?!". And thank you for listening to something like that: "Agh... look at the photos of this photographer... I will never be able to shoot like that! How does he (she) do it?! I'm nothing and I'm not able to do anything! I'm useless...(pillow cry follows)". Thank you for believing in us and encouraging us. Thank you for supporting us in a different way: "Hoooonnnyyy... There's this lens... it's class! 24-70mm IS and it's L series...What? What is L series? Well, it's professional...Yeah, I need it... Like you know, it's so versatile I can use it for like everything! Can I get it? If I get it, I won't need another one for aaaaaaageees! Yeah?! Really?! Can I?! Loooove youuu! In couple of months - Hooonnnyyy... I need...(read above, just substitue 24-70 lens for whatever that is you need). Thank you for putting up with us working during weekends or staying up till 3am because we want to finish editing a recent photoshoot because we are sooo excited about it and we want to blog it straight away and share it with the world because obviously it cannot wait another day! Thank you for carrying our heavy camera bags. Thank you for acting as our models sometimes if we want to try out a new technique or a pose. Thank you for being there for us. We love you.
I don't think it works exactly the same way for male photographers, but I'm sure their partners are very supportive as well! If you think I missed something or you want to say thank you to your hubby, use comment form below. And don't forget to tell them in person ;-)
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Posted by Dasha, London wedding photographer 2 comments
Labels: personal
Friday, 18 June 2010
Omg, where do I even start describing the whole amazingness, fabulousness and greatness of the day?! On tuesday I went to Bristol for a photographers meet up organized by Rosie Parsons from The Photography Parlour which is a great web-resource for aspiring photographers and a place to connect with people from your industry. There were about 30 of us from all over the country. Photographers of different ages, backgrounds and experinces got together for a fun day of shooting, learning from each other and connecting. I felt it before, but this kind of events make me realise even more how great our community is! We don't see each other as competitors, we see each other as friends, that's why if you need help you know that there is always someone there for you. I am very VERY proud to be part of it!
So, on the day we had a venue, models, make-up artists, our cameras and we were in Bristol's floating harbour. What did we do with all that? We mixed it all up, added a bit of great weather and started shooting! We were organised in groups and had a chance to spend time with different models, so at the end of the day we were left with loadz of great images! Below are some of mine from the day:
Just general thank you to everyone who was involved in the day and made it unforgettable!
Posted by Dasha, London wedding photographer 5 comments
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Last week I photographed an event organized by Soul in the City charity in Islington. I must say they are doing an amazing job. Every year they organise a series of events and activities that are aimed at bringing the community together. Kids do face painting, dancing, reading, assembling mosaics, gardening and so so much more! In our busy world it is so great to see people of different backgrounds getting together and getting to know their neighbours! I've always admired people who volunteer for projects like that and give up their personal time to just give something to others. In exchange they receive love and smiles that are priceless.
Posted by Dasha, London wedding photographer 1 comments
Labels: Little ones, Portraits